The final production model has been finalized and the boards for the very first batch of EcoStenos have been ordered! These boards should arrive in about a week’s time, should everything go smoothly. We already have all the other materials to make the first batch, and so can begin assembly the moment we receive thesecontinue reading
Progress Update – March 11, 2021
Production Prototype v0.16 have arrived and are in the works! Our current checklist of things to do: Cut up a USB-C cable to create a special programming cable – Done! Finish firmware – In progress Program the production prototypes & preliminary test – In progress Solder switches & final testing – In progress Hardware assemblycontinue reading
Production Prototypes in the Works!
The EcoSteno is nearly ready for release! The production prototypes, also known as v0.16, have been ordered and are expected to arrive in a week or so. Quite a few things have been changed and improved since the previous ordered prototype, v0.12. Here is a partial changelist: Programming header has been removed and incorporated intocontinue reading